5 Gifts for Your Cheese Loving Pisces Friends

The Tarot, like the zodiac, is built around cycles. In each suit within the Tarot, when you come to the final card, it means you have completed a journey, and arrived in a place or as a person that represents that suit’s ideal, whether in logic, relationships, material resources, or spirituality.

What does any of this have to do with Pisces, then? Well, plenty. First off, Pisces people are kind of the witchiest within the zodiac: the most likely to sense haunted places, the ones with the keenest third eyes, those most likely to actually dabble in crystals or the Tarot. More importantly, though, Pisces is the final sign within the zodiac calendar, and, like the Tarot, with that comes a certain gravitas, especially in the imaginative and emotional realms. Pisceans are often the most creative, the most sensitive, and the most sympathetic among us, with quirks of all the other signs in the mix.

It’s very tempting, in a cheese-centric blog, to simply characterize Pisceans as “the cheesiest,” because of their inherently dreamy nature and leave it at that. But that would be selling short what is a complex emotional landscape…but now that I think of it, if you consider “cheesy” as an adjective that actually characterizes the extremely rich and complicated world of artisanal cheese, then perhaps the descriptor is actually pretty apt for Pisces.

To whatever degree your Pisces friends are the cheesiest people you know, here are 5 cheeses and cheese gifts sure to strike an emotional curd chord.


Central Coast Creamery Dreamweaver

I don’t know if Central Coast Creamery’s cheesemaker Reggie Jones is a Pisces, but this cheese was forged, and named, in a very Pisces spirit. (It also doesn’t hurt for a sign represented by fishes that the creamery is located near the California coast.) Dreamweaver was the result of years of longing to bring a mixed, washed-rind cheese to life, within the limitations of the available ripening rooms at the creamery. But dreaming gave way to do, which can be a challenge for Pisces, but not always, and this rare, washed-rind goat’s milk cheese represents everything Piscean: soft and melty, but with rich and complex flavors.


North Sea Cheese (Vesterhavsost)

From one coast to a very different coast, we find Piscean spirit cheeses wherever saltwater is involved. North Sea Cheese, or Vesterhavsost, is the Danish version of gouda. Sweet and a little nutty, just like our Pisces friends, the curds are washed and spend a year ripening in the salty sea air, resulting in a firm cheese that has a Pisces-like ability to reflect whatever mood you’re in. (Plus that quirky, Danish name has high Pisces appeal.)


Mystic Melinda Mae

And to yet another coast for another aptly-named Pisces cheese. Mystic, Connecticut (from which the creamery moniker comes,) was so-named not because of excessive paranormal activity, though it’s impossible to hear the word “mystic” without thinking that. Nearly every cheese-based zodiac roundup I could find ascribes brie or camembert to Pisces because they are emotionally…gooey. Frankly, it’s a good point, and I would be remiss to not include at least one bloomy rind here for the zodiac’s biggest softies. Mystic’s Melinda Mae—a fanciful Piscean cheese name if ever there was one—is a classic cow’s milk bloomy rind with 3 weeks of age that showcases gentle earthy and buttery flavors.


Cheese, Illustrated: Notes, Pairings, and Boards by Rory Stamp and Holly Exley

The key word here is “illustrated.” In addition to being illustrative factually about history, cheesemaking, and pairing, Stamp’s love letter to cheese is also illustrated, period. Dreamy, creative Pisces types will enjoy flipping through its pages and savoring Exley’s sophisticated illustrations and cheese board designs.


Tarot Cheese Board

Just as Pisces itself represents a coming-full-circle within the zodiac, here we have a cheese board that represents a coming-full-circle within this roundup. This gorgeous, handcrafted cheese board features not only Tarot, but palm-reading and zodiac symbology as well. It is the dreamiest, most mystical board, on which to display the Dreamweavers and Mystic cheeses, for the dreamers and mystics of the zodiac.

For more Zodiac and Cheese content, see 5 Gifts for Your Cheese Loving Aquarius Friends, and 5 Gifts for Your Cheese Loving Capricorn Friends, or visit our sister site, Alcohol Professor, for Drink Like a Pisces: 6 Beverages to Daydream About.